
You guys! My new site is live. Oh my goodness what a journey it has been. I won't go into it here because it's all spelled out in my bio, but thank you God for bringing me to this point in my life. Thank you God for giving me a second chance at realizing my dream. That you God for the opportunity to sing again, to write, to perform, and to feel the beauty and potency and fullness of living your dream. If you're reading this, thank you to you as well for adding to the richness of my dream.
I hope I can help add to the richness of yours along the way. I think that's what we are here for. To help each other step into who we really are and to live our fullest and best lives. The world would be such a kinder place if everyone had the courage to be themselves; if everyone had the love and support to chase their dreams and live their best lives. I hope I can help you step into that for yourself. Because I know what it's like to not. 
Sending you so much love and gratitude. 

I'm Going To Be On The Radio!